Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Easy Felt Handbags

This week at the library, we had a fabulous simple craft, making felt handbags.

The supplies were pretty simple, 9" X 12" felt sheets, thread, needles, glue (we used Elmers), sequins, precut felt shapes, ribbons, velcro and a hole puncher.

I originally wanted this to be a no sew, but the iron-on adhesive I bought was a complete and total failure. Perhaps the acrylic felt was too thick or something, but the product was a lemon (Heat'n'Bond). I will try and use it some time later in the future, and hopefully it wasn't a total money waster.

Take a felt sheet and fold  it with a two to three inches left over at the top to create the flap. Using a thread and needle, do a whipstich on both sides from the fold to the beginning of the flap. Then place a small square of velcro on the flap so the purse can snap shut. Using your hole puncher, punch two holes, one on the top left of the purse, and another on the right. Secure the ribbon through each punched hole using a knot on each side.

Then go crazy and decorate! We used glitter glue, sequins, precut felt shapes. Here is one of my favorite creations the kids made:

This is another fun and cheap project for kids that is pretty simple to do.

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